"To be a part of a family, or any community, is to have duties and responsibility, to be bound by the rules of that group."
Robin Hobb
The rules and regulations mentioned below may be amended from time to time and residents would be notified of any such amendments. This page was last modified on July 31, 2022.
Rules regarding residence
- No resident is allowed to shift from one room to another without prior written permission of the Provost/Warden. No furniture should be shifted from one room to another without prior written permission of hostel administration.
- In case of double-occupancy room not being fully occupied, the administration shall have the right of shifting any resident to another room with a view to ensure the double occupancy of rooms in the hostel.
- No item should be shifted from one room to another. The responsibility of keeping their rooms clean and tidy will rest with the residents.
- Every resident is responsible for proper maintenance of Hostel property. Residents will be charged three times the actual cost of the damaged item of the Hostel property they use, individually or collectively, as the case may be.
- Residents, who take up full time jobs, discontinue their studies and Ph.D./M.Phil. students completing their work in the middle of the session, shall inform the Hostel office in writing and
vacate the Hostel accommodation immediately, after clearing all the dues. - All Residents, except research and foreign students shall vacate their rooms within three days of completion of their annual examinations. Cases of those who wish to stay in the Hostel
beyond this date, if regarded essential by their respective Faculties, may be considered individually by the Provost, after a formal recommendation has been received by her from the
Faculty concerned. Such an application should be made at least 15 days in advance. - No resident can claim the guest status for any other reason during her stay unless approved by the authorities.
- No resident will be permitted to stay in the Hostel for more than six years.
- The residents must hand-over the complete charge of their rooms, while vacating the Hostel accommodation and must obtain a Clearance Certificate and Gate pass. A copy/photocopy of clearance certificate and gate pass is to be handed over to the Security Guard on duty before leaving the Hostel premises. The residents are not allowed to hand over the keys of their rooms to any person other than the Hostel authorities.
- A resident should pay all the dues and get a clearance certificate from the Hostel office to this effect at least three days before vacating the Hostel.
- As per University decision, residents are required to produce No Dues Certificate from the Hostel for obtaining admission ticket for the annual examination and for submission of Ph.D. thesis/M.Phil. dissertation.
- Residents are required to abide by all instructions from the Hostel authorities, which are displayed on the Notice Board from time to time or conveyed otherwise.
- Residents are expected to actively participate in the various Hostel activities including running of the mess, cultural activities, library, maintenance of garden, computer facility or any other duty assigned by the Provost/Warden. In the event of non-participation of a resident, she will be immediately removed from the committee and a disciplinary action will be taken against such residents who fails to be an active member of the committees.
- All residents are required to keep their Identity cards ready for inspection by the Hostel authorities.
- Residents are requested to be back in the Hostel by 22:00 hours sharp and get their attendance recorded every day. It is the responsibility of every resident/guest who is present in the premises to get herself marked present in the attendance register at attendance time at 22:05 hours.
Rules regarding guests
- No resident of the hostel is allowed to bring their female guest for night stay. In case of any emergent condition of the resident, only immediate blood relatives (female) of the resident can be allowed to stay for a maximum of 3 days upon payment of Rs. 250/- per day with prior approval from Provost/Warden.
- The guest(s) is(are) required to submit complete details relating to themselves including a government-issued identity. The guest and host both have to sign the Guest Register both at the time of entry and exit.
- Guests may have food in the hostel mess by buying coupons available in the mess. Eatables from outside are strictly NOT PERMITTED in the mess/dining hall. Only those guests who are ordering meals by coupons are allowed in the mess.
- The overnight guests are required to be back in the Hostel in time and follow Hostel rules. All applications for all late night/night leave have to be made as per rules with signatures of both the guest and the host.
- Resident Guests: those students who may be allowed to stay in the hostel after the expiry of the academic year till the re-admission for the purpose of summer training subject to the hostel remaining open during summer vacation.
- Resident Guests Under Extension: M.Phil. and Ph.D. students may be permitted by the Provost to stay beyond the maximum permissible duration of stay in the hostel with a view to facilitate the submission of dissertation/thesis or for taking viva-voce examination only on guest basis and subject to availability of accommodation.
- A student against whom any disciplinary action has been taken by any hostel or department or college of University of Delhi will not be allowed to stay in a hostel as a resident or as a guest.
- Applications from women teachers/students coming from other Universities/institutions for attending University of Delhi Conferences, consulting University of Delhi Library etc., should be submitted through proper channel well in advance.
- Such guests needing accommodation for more than one month are required to deposit 3000/- (refundable) in advance as caution money. They will be charged 120/- per day for lodging, and 850/- for electricity, 200/- for maintenance of Utilities and 300/- for Upkeep and maintenance per month.
- In case, the stay of Guests is for less than and up to fifteen days, they will be charged 45/- per day towards electricity and maintenance charges in lieu of full month charges. Electricity and maintenance charges will be charged for full month for the stay beyond fifteen days. They are also required to buy meal coupons @ 180/- per day from the office in advance during their stay in the hostel. Since meals are compulsory during the stay in the Hostel as no concession will be given for skipping any meal (lunch/dinner) / breakfast / tea. All guest charges including mess are to be paid in advance.
- The overnight stay of UNAUTHORIZED PERSONS in the hostel will be considered a violation of the Hostel discipline. Any resident violating this rule shall be liable to disciplinary action.
- The University of Delhi students who need to stay in the University Campus for reasons such as performance of laboratory experiments or the Provost may also consider terminal examinations for guest status. These applicants shall be considered only when their cases are recommended by the concerned Head of the Department/Dean of the Faculty and a stay guarantee is given by their supervisors or a responsible person working in the University of Delhi. The maximum period of stay for these guests will be three months in case of the Postgraduate students and two terms of three months each in case of research students. They would be required to pay 70/- per day in addition to the usual electricity and maintenance charges (same as described above) and will have to buy coupons for meals in the Hostel mess. They are also required to deposit Rs 3000/- (refundable) caution money deposit along with room charges.
- All guests may be required to share room with another resident/guest and will not be considered for regular admission thereafter in the same hostel during that session even if she is found eligible.
Rules regarding security and maintenance
- Residents are advised not to meet visitors at the Hostel gate.
- Residents are not allowed to accept any delivery of food items after 11.00 p.m. Any delivery person appearing at the hostel gate after 11.00 p.m. will be sent back by the security guard.
- Residents of each floor are required to maintain the refrigerator on their floors as well as other equipment like microwave, induction oven etc.
- Residents are allowed to use air coolers (not provided by the hostel) in their rooms having water capacity between 25-30 litres. To prevent spreading of Dengue and Malaria, the residents are required to keep their coolers clean and disinfect them regularly.
- Sale of Newspapers and other old items to kabadiwala by the residents would be allowed on working days only during office hours.
- General complaints regarding civil/electrical work on the floor should be reported in writing to the House Keeper with a copy to the Resident Tutor/Warden.
Rules regarding mess and dining hall
- Every student residing at the hostel will have to compulsorily avail the mess facilities by paying the fees and cannot be completely exempted from the mess fee for any reason whatsoever.
- The mess and dining hall is run on contract basis. Contract will be given to a Contractor to be appointed for a period of one academic year. The contract may, however, be extended after reviewing the performance.
- A Mess Committee consisting of the Provost, Warden, Resident Tutor and Students representatives, along with the Mess Contractor will decide the Menu and other details in the beginning of term.
- The residents of the Hostel are expected to extend cooperation in running the Mess through the Mess Committee.
- Food will not be served to the residents outside the dining hall.
- Food cannot be taken by the residents outside the dining hall without permission. In case of sickness, a resident may be allowed to have a sickness diet in her room to be carried by the Female Attendant, with the prior permission of the Warden/Resident Tutor.
- No utensils will be allowed to be taken out of the mess. In case of violation, the residents will be liable to disciplinary action by the Hostel authorities.
- A resident, who desires to entertain a female guest in the dining hall, shall purchase the requisite coupon, on production of which food may be obtained for the guest. Mess charges for a guest per day per meal will be as follows: Breakfast – Rs. 42, Lunch/Dinner – Rs. 60, Tea/Snacks – Rs. 18.
- The Mess charges for guests are liable to change from time to time. Mess charges for residents may be changed at the beginning of a new session.
- Male guests will not be allowed for any meal in the dining hall.
- Any kind of cooking inside/outside the room is strictly prohibited. Cooking to a limited extent (please avoid cooking very pungent/spicy foods to avoid inconveniencing the other residents on the same floor) is permitted in the common area where the induction has been kept. Note that inductions are not allowed in the rooms and may be a potential fire hazard.
- The hostel mess may/may not function during the summer vacation even for those who may be permitted to stay in the Hostel during that period. If the Mess functions, the charges will be as per arrangement.

Rules regarding visitors
- Male visitors are not permitted to enter the main hostel room area.
- The residents are not permitted to receive male visitors either in the Dining hall, common room or in their rooms of the Hostel.
- Male visitors are welcome to the common area on the ground floor, office and visitor’s room. Residents are requested to utilize the visitor’s room for meeting their male guests. The timings for this on weekdays is between 16:00 to 20:00 hours, and on Sundays and all University holidays is between 10:00 to 13:00 hours and again 16:00 to 20:00 hours.
- Female visitors are welcome between 8:00 to 20:00 hours on all days.
- Visitors are to be received only in the Visitors’ Room.
- All visitors must leave the Hostel by the time specified.
- There will be no visitors permitted to enter the hostel on the day of the festival of Holi.
Rules regarding short and long leaves
- No resident/guest is allowed to leave the hostel premises after 10.00 P.M. In case the residents have to leave the hostel before 6.00 a.m., they must get prior permission from the Resident Tutor. In case of violation of this rule the hostel may cancel the admission of the
resident. Late nights for academic purposes with request from the concerned Head of the Departments/Supervisors may be sent to Provost/Warden. Late Nights can only be granted by authorities in emergency situation or, on case to case basis. - Short leaves: Residents can avail leave of absence not exceeding three days at a time, at their own responsibility after submitting an undertaking and recording the necessary details in the Leave Register such as address and telephone number of her destination. Only a maximum of twelve Short Leave/Night Outs in a month can be availed. Short Leave/Night Out cannot be converted to Long Leave. A resident taking night leave without prior intimation will be liable to disciplinary action.
- Long Term Leaves : Permission for leave of absence exceeding three days, i.e., long leave, may be granted by Provost/Warden/Resident Tutor on application made at least three days in advance with proper recommendation from Parents/authorised Guardian. The details are required to be recorded and signed by the authority in the leave book. Residents will also submit an undertaking before proceeding on long term leave.
- In case of academic excursion/field work the residents must get their leave application duly forwarded by the Head of the Department and submit to the Hostel office before proceeding on leave.
- In case, the residents are on leave and want to extend their leave they should write or intimate to the hostel authorities for permission in advance and send a fax signed by their Local Guardian/Parents to the hostel office.
- Before return to the Hostel, the leave book must be duly signed by the authorised guardian/parent and after coming back to the Hostel, it must be counter-signed by the concerned Hostel authority.
- Residents remaining absent without intimation/permission will be liable to disciplinary action including cancellation of admission. The hostel authorities would be compelled to get her room vacated as per procedure and to allot it to another student. In such cases, the luggage of the resident/guest resident would be handed over to her after she clears all the dues.
- Repeated long absence from the hostel, even with written intimation to the authorities, is also liable for disciplinary action.
- The residents leaving the Hostel temporarily/permanently and carrying any baggage should get the gate pass made in advance and show the same to the Security Guard on duty.
Failure to follow the rules of the hostel
- Failure to follow the rules of the hostel may invite disciplinary action and/or penalties.
Key ordinances
- Ordinance XV-B: Maintenance of discipline among students of the University
- Ordinance XV-C: Prohibition and punishment for ragging
- Ordinance XV-D: Prohibition and punishment for sexual harrassment